Saturday, May 23, 2015

The Big Day

In this story I think that the bride and the groom are going to get married. i think the dad liked the other guy who is rushing to the wedding. while the groom is rushing to the wedding she ends up marring someone else?! i think it may be talking about how if you use that car you will miss your chance to get married...?

who:Bob and marry
what:getting married
when: april 20
where: church
why: because they love each other
how:a priest marries them

i think this story is about a man who wants to marry a girl who already has a fiance. I like how the people are racing to marry the girl but she already has a fiance. this takes place on april 20th, the guys name is bob and he likes marry but she's getting married to luke. The dad, matt doesn't like bob so he makes the wedding start early.  bob gets there but he was late because he got in traffic and didnt have a fast enough car.

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