Saturday, February 21, 2015

5 websites

a.      I like how this specific website gives really good tips to help you take good photo… especially this photograph.  This specific photo is so cool. Its like I am looking everywhere. This picture out of all of the other ones caught my eye the most.

b.      This is photo definitely uses viewpoint, because it is at birds eye view.

c.     Jeff Meyers

a.      This photo definitely stood out to me  lot. You can't really tell that it is a stair case because the stairs are so light. It looks so cool spiraling down to the bottom.
b.      Since the stair case starts at the top and goes to the bottom it is looking down on it. It contains the rule viewpoint. 

c.      Christian Richter 


a.      This photo looked really cool with all of the sparkler dots in the air. Out of all of the photos this stood out to me the most.
b.       I see simplicity because it has a catching eye subject with just a dark simple background.

c.     Jenna (last name not mentioned)

If you did a tutorial please answer the following questions:

a.      I learned the beginner steps to modeling.

b.     When taking portraits and self portraits. Maybe prompt shoots too.

c.   Yes it expanded my knowledge.

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