Tuesday, April 7, 2015


Habitat 67
1. Moshe Safhdie built the Habitat 67.
2. Built in October of 1967. 
3. It is located in Montreal, Canada, specifically on 2600 Av. Pierre-Dupuy next to the Saint Lawrence River. 
4. Yes
5. Approximately $140,000 per unit
6. The Habitat 67 was built originally as a project for an architecture program
7. I chose Habitat 67 to research because it has multiple complexes which I think is very unique. Also, the name is creative and captured my attention as to why it is named Habitat 67. As I researched it, I liked learning about its reasons for development and its location. I think this architecture is very unique and I would absolutely visit it in person.

Kunsthaus Graz
1. Built by the "White Cube" team of architects
2. Built in 2003
3. Located in Graz, Austria
4. It can be visited, it's a museum
5. No information on the cost of the building
6. The Kunsthaus Graz was built to exhibit conventional cotexts
7. I chose this building to research because I am going to Austria this summer and I also went last summer. I think it is interesting to learn about some of the prized and special exhibits in Austria so I can become more educated. Also, after seeing the photo, it looked so strange that I had to know more about it.

Nautilus House:
Built by Javier Senosiain
Built in 2006
Located in Mexico City, Mexico
This place is private and a home to a family
There is no information available
This family that owns the house had a desire to be closer to nature and built their home based off of a shell structure.
I chose this building because the structure looked so unique and intriguing, and when I found out that it was someone's home, I had no know more. I love the bright colored used in the architecture and paint as it closely relates with nature. The fact that it is separated into chambers is also interesting.

Nord LB Building
Built by Behnisch
Built from 1997-2002
This is located in Hannover, Germany
This building is open to the public for visit and education
The cost of this being built is 244 million dollars
This building serves as an eco-friendly tourist destination
 I chose to research this building because it has a very appealing appearance and is very attractive to tourists. I like how it is not just all one floor, but different levels with different structures. It is especially cool when the building is lit up at night, a very famous aspect of the building. 

Built by Andre and Jean Polak
Built in 1956
This structure is located in Laeken, Belgium
The structure is also open to the public for visits
There isn't information on how much it cost to build this structure
The architecture represents an elementary iron crystal that was enlarged one hundred and sixty five billion times.
I chose to research this building because its architecture caught my eye. I love how even though it looks delicate, it is functional and open to visitors. Also, it provides activities for tourists and visitors so I would love to participate in them.

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