Friday, April 17, 2015

News values

Timeliness  -- the newness of the facts.

Newspaper headline- Phased US- Iran Nuclear Deal Taking Shape

I picked this article for Timeliness because it was one of the newest articles. This newspaper published February, 23rd.

 Proximity – the nearness of a given event to your place of publication.

Newspaper headline- Texas Gunman kill 3, himself

I picked this article because it is a horrific event and it happened near us. It was published in Kileen, Texas, which makes this article proximity.

Prominence – the “newsworthiness” of an individual, organization or place.

Newspaper headline-  Obama seeks new rules for financial advisers

I picked this article for prominence because, Obama is definitely newsworthiness. This article is really huge and it is about the president.

 Impact – the effect or consequence of an event on the audience. 

Newspaper headline-  Winter takes southern route from Texas to Carolinas

I picked this article because weather impacts the whole world. The cold winter weather is impacting from Texas to Carolinas.

Conflict – the meeting of two or more opposing forces. These forces can be physical, emotional or philosophical.

Newspaper headline-Protests after right-to-work hearing cut off

This video/article represents a conflict because two opposing forces are fighting.  People are protesting against labor committee. 

 Human Interest – the drama the surrounds people involved in an emotional struggle

Newspaper headline: This whole dress debate has questioned our faith in humanity

I picked this article because this has been spreading around everyones phone last night. This is emotionally throwing everybody off and is confusing all of humanity. This dress has everyones human interest. 
Novelty – the attraction people have to unusual things and events.

Newspaper Headline: A Strange World

I picked this article because the front page was so weird and funny that it made me want to read more. People get attracted to weird and unusual things because they are funny.

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